Last month I was looking for a leader's perspective around a few key areas that some struggle with, which include holding a vision and committing to goal achievement. This month, I had the opportunity to hear Billie Jean King convey her story, which addressed these points very well. Her perspective shed further light on the paradigm shift that leaders need for success. From an early age, on her second day in tennis practice (!), she committed to becoming the best tennis player in the world. She pursued and achieved top tennis rankings by the mid-70's, but her legacy includes much more which makes her stand out as a truly unique champion and leader. Her legacy includes building new professional opportunities for women in tennis, and driving a level playing field for women, i.e., equality. Throughout her career and life, Billie Jean King has moved toward, and also created, new paradigms to achieve success.
Billie Jean King continues to live her legacy and build further success. She shared three key learnings, which she continues to apply in her life for achievements. These three learnings can help you too!
As you pursue leadership roles starting a new business, stepping up to new management positions, or scaling your business, remember:
- Ask for what you want and need (read more about this and vision in my August newsletter)
- Champions (in life) adjust, and
- Pressure is a privilege
This last point gave us a laugh when she told us how her staff members sometime like to smile and remind her during tense moments that "pressure is a privilege". Ha! So, I'd add "have a sense of humor" to that list! Remember all four as you pursue your vision and remain committed to achievement. Not only will you more easily work toward success, but you might just end up with three standing ovations on the spot. She did when we saw her this month.