I was the featured speaker at the annual mixer for the National Latina Business Women Association in Orange County, and we worked through a 20-30 minute exercise to get people in action creating winning business introductions, which was well received. Great business introductions help you build business fast...
It was a pleasure and privilege to have this opportunity to be with NLBWA-OC and its members, and I especially enjoyed the fact that its mission is well aligned with Time2Market’s business services and objectives. NLBWA-OC’s mission is to encourage Latinas to develop their business and professional goals through education, business referrals and networking. Time2Market provides coaching services to business managers, entrepreneurs and investors to help build business and move products and services to market fast. The alignment in this case included the education and coaching component around business referrals and introductions. Business referrals and introductions are frequently the 2 fastest ways to new business, with introductions being the fastest way.
There are many good books for learning more about networking for referrals and introductions, and I’ve listed a few in the resource section. But, frankly, reading is not the answer. Yes, it is all well and good to read and be prepared, and I recommend that. However, the rubber meets the road when you get out there, show people what you are doing, develop relationships and connect with other people. This way others become acquainted with you and your work, keep you top of mind and can easily make referrals to you or introductions for you, or you can ask for referrals and introductions, with credibility.
If you need help getting into action to build business now, by focusing on networking for referrals and introductions, contact us to learn more about Time2Market business coaching and consulting services.